1. @Adam
    My thoughts at the time were that they would use the colours and subtle gradients from the Windows 8 tiles, and adopt the Windows Phone logo in a square. I did not expect them to totally replace the flag, although the new logo has grown on me!

  2. I agree with the name, it’s an obvious choice. I think, however, that 8 is the name, as will be for WP8. There are even rumours of the Xbox predesessor being called Xbox 8!!

    Anyway, just wanted to mention that besides in text (like here http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs51/i/2009/263/1/5/Zune_HD_Gradient_by_VengeanceDesigns.png), I’m pretty sure that a gradient breaks Metro. Unless my eyes fool me and the purple box behind the [now-defunct] flag isn’t a gradient.

    Anyway, nice mockup! :)

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