Current Cubes
This is a promo I made and submitted to Current TV. This one is a simple guide to explain how Current TV works. This one was so popular, it made it on-air, and was the first promo made in the UK to feature on the channel.
Forever Forward
This is a short ident I made and submitted to Current TV. The movement over the bridge represents the non stop pace of the world, and I included a tagline, showing how Current TV is keeping up with the pace of the rest of the world.
Current Pods
Following in a similar vein to my Current Cubes promo for Current TV. This one is a slightly more in depth look at not only how the channel works, but the process you go through to submit content and have it appear on-air.
thanks for sharing, just started as a broadcast design jnr, this has been helpful ∑:-3
Feel free, the animations were all designed to be viewed by the public!