If there has been one project I have been a part of which has gone on longer than any other…
Category: Blog
Anything which doesn’t belong, goes here

Japan Trip 2011 - Flickr
I have not long returned from 12 days in Japan, and while I posted most of my Photos and Videos…

London Travel - Now Available
Now that Windows Phone 7 has launched in the UK and Europe, and on Nov 8th in the US, it’s…

London Travel App - Pre Beta Update
This is just a quick updated to show how things have progressed. Here is the Panorama main UI of my…

Microsoft and the UK
I recently responded to a discussion about the differences between Microsoft treats the UK compared to the US. I put…

Tourist in my own town of London - Flickr
I joined Flickr today, to share some of the Photos I took while visiting my home town of London, but…

Design Thoughts - MIX 10
With the first Keynote of Microsoft’s annual Web, Design, and Development conference MIX 10, about the start in under 30…